Sunday, August 10, 2008

Last time change

We are now in Elkhart, Indiana. We made it through 4 states today, which makes a total of 8 states for us. Go us. Our route took us through the rest of Minnesota, a big bit of Wisconsin, some of Illinois (mainly Chicago), and about 100 miles into Indiana.
We missed out on our bumper sticker in Minnesota, due to lack of gas stations.
Wisconsin, known for its cheese, surprisingly had a lot of corn. We were very baffled by their highways, seeing as they were called things like Highway HH or Highway Q. What's that all about? We enjoyed our lunch in Deforest, Wisconsin. Our elephant was very happy to see its distant relative there -a GIANT pink elephant with glasses!
Illinois... what a pain. Let me just say, I never want to go to Chicago again. Oye vey! The bugs in North Dakota were bad, but the drivers in Chicago are much more annoying!! There must be a ban on turn signals there that I don't know about. All the traffic there made us a bit loopy. A few bad jokes were made, and laughter followed. Oh well, we made it through there alive. Illinois was also where we encountered our first toll roads. Those are sure fun, or something.
Indiana has been surprisingly pretty. It was nice to see some green again. I don't know what else to really say about it other than it has gone pretty fast.

Toll stations passed: 6
Toll money paid: $12 (for my car) $35 (for the truck)
P.O.D.S seen: 0
U-Hauls seen: 17
Penskes seen: 4

Also, to see the pictures of the trip at the bottom of the page better and to read captions for them, click the pictures and it will take you to another screen.


RootN4U said...

Seeing giant pink elephants? I guess it's been a long drive!

Suz said...

Loved the pictures!!!